Hello everyone! We've had a busy and exciting 8 days. Charlotte and Bella were visiting us here at the farm! Charlotte has really grown up in her now two years and 3 months. She is a very busy girl and great company as she will chit chat with me all day long! She got up each morning ready for breakfast and ready to go farm. So funny and has quite a sense of humor, reminding me of Audrey when she was little! She likes toast and peach jelly was her favorite this time. She likes liver mush and asked for it every morning. But Papa bought hot seasoned liver mush. She told Papa, 'It's too spicy, Papa'!

It's to bad last weeks weather wasn't as warm and pretty as the past two days have been. It was hard to juggle play time outside since it was a little too cool for Bella. We did take them both out one afternoon to the barn and to let Charlie play in the sand pile. Then Sunday I bundled Bella up, so she played a little while Bella and I pulled some weeds in the flower bed near the sand. Charlie made sure she was outside everyday and even opened the front door was across the porch and down the steps before I could get my shoes on. I keep expecting to hear 'whatcha doin, Nana'? Earlier in the week after she had asked me that several times, I asked her 'whatcha doin, Charlie'? (She was in the tub!) She said 'I'm freakin out'!!! Well alrighty then! Most of the time she said 'I'm just standin here, Nana'! She is way to cute for her own good.

We went Wednesday for a surprise visit to see Memaw at the bowling alley. So Memaw could show the girls off to her friends, and we could see Ms Judy. After bowling we went to eat at IHOP. Originally bashful while at the bowling alley, she was in rare form at the table and kept the ladies entertained. She stayed with the conversation and shared her comments as well. Including telling Memaw what she did not like, 'I don't like thaaat, Memaw'. The waiter dropped all the drinks and all the ladies were in an uproar over that. Once things had calmed down a bit, Charlie started waving her arms around and said 'He's makin' a mess, makin' a big mess'. As you can imagine that hit everyone's funny bone.

On Friday, Papa brought home some baby ducks. She was so excited and wanted to hold them, with help of course. Then she was even more anxious every morning and evening to go to the barn and check on them. We had to hold them each time. We also had to pick Papa's flowers every time we came back from the barn. I had a pretty bouquet by the end of the week.

Bella was absolutely perfect for her first stay with Nana and Papa. As long as she had her bottle when hungry and clean diapers she was just fine. She always has a smile on her face. If you engage her she smiles all the more and giggles out loud! I wish I could bottle that beautiful sweet innocence. She rolled to her side while she was here. It won't be long before she makes it all the way over on her belly. This kid absolutely loves to be in the bathtub. She kicks and splashes the whole time she is in there. Never a wimper or cry. Since Charlie was such a good baby, we all teased JoCasta and Wayne that the next one would be giving them what for! But, once again, they are so very blessed with a healthy, happy and beautiful baby. Bella is a real charmer and very social baby. She likes to be where the action is. She really wants to sit up so she can see everything that's going on. But her little butt is still too round! I think when this one starts moving, nothing nor no one will be able to slow her down.
Charlie didn't feel good earlier in the week and Bella had a little rattle in her chest that I noticed while she was sleeping. I know that I know how to care for them. After all, I raised my own quite well. Right? It's just different with the grandbabies. I found myself thinking what would JoCasta say, what would she do. So I felt guilty when I put Charlie in time out. I know it was the right thing to do and she responded well. But, I don't want to to be the bad guy.....After all, I am Nana!

Now here we are. It's the calm after the storm. The toys are all put away. Bubba, Niny, Biddy and Guiny along with all their other many things that must accompany them have gone home. The house is so quiet now. We really enjoyed having them here and miss them already. But...Charlie and I have already made some plans for her next visit. We are going to pick strawberries. Papa also has made plans to get some bunnies and cages. Fun, fun, fun.
Aww, I want to come to the farm and eat liver mush every morning, wear my cowboy boots, play in the sandpile, play with ducks and bunnies, and all the other fun things that Charlie and Bella got to do!! Looks like you guys had a great time! Love those girls!
I agree with Audrey! Sounds like you had a big ol' time. You're a great nana!
Liver mush...ewww! Charlotte immediately wanted to go swing when she got home. She's been very out of sorts since she got home. Not sure if she's sick or just needs to get back in her routine. Lots of tears and cannot get enough "Daaaaddy". Last night she came in our room about 2AM. I took her back to bed and she said "Tummy hurts. Put medicine on it". I told her I don't have medicine to put on it. She stuck out her sad lip with the tears dangling from her lashes and said "snuuugle". So I spent the night with Charlotte, Bubby, Niney, Guinney, Biddy, and a giant frog named Ribbit. She seemed a bit better this morning. We'll see. She had a great time. And don't worry, you did perfectly with the time outs...you're right, you know what you're doing!
A&A-You all know the way home and would love to have you come play. We did have a good time.
Jo-Yes she loves liver mush. But she didn't try to eat it but the one time because it was spicy. But she really likes the regular kind. I hate she is out of sorts and will get back to normal soon. My krud is definitely worse. Hoping they don't get it!
Mom, why have you abandoned your blog?
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