
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

So It's Been A While

Hello Friends,'s been a while since I've posted on my blog.  I will try to give you the run down of events since March.  As you know my last post was just after we had Charlotte and Bella here at the farm.  Right before they left I started with a sore throat and head cold and moved on to my chest.  After that I basically coughed for the next 6 weeks.  I originally thought that JoCasta gave me her cold/virus.  Then attributed it to the break in the weather and allergies.  But I finally went to the doctor and took a round of antibiotics.  I felt better within 3 days and finally got well.

We finally finished the retaining wall.   Harland's rock smoker/grill is finished and he laid the last of the stones on the patio.  The stone work is finished around the bottom of our house. It looks great!  (Pictures later)  So then we decided we wanted to extend the stonework around the front porch.  In order to do that it must be blocked first.  So that is where we currently are.  Still in construction mode.  I also wanted more shelves in the pantry, so Bill is working on that and it should take long.  We should be finished long before canning time. Once the stonework is finished under the porch they will start on a bridge from the porch to the area where we park.  We have a drainage problem along the walkway on that end.  This will resolve that problem.  I am excited about seeing the end results!

I went to the beach with mom mid April and had a good visit with her.  The temperature was cold the whole time.  But, I still enjoyed seeing the ocean.  We walked alot and had a good time.  On the way home I stopped and picked up Charlotte and brought her back to the farm for a week.  It was a great time for all of us.  She was up every morning ready to go to the barn.  Again the weather was still to chilly and we had some gray days, but we went out and spent a great deal of time at the barn.  She played in her sandpile that Papa fixed for her.  She was crazy about her rabbits that Papa gave them for Easter.  We ended up bringing them back to the house in a small cage I found at the cattle sale in Wilkesboro.  We held them every morning and every evening and some in between.
While she was here she had a little accident that involved a trip to the emergency room, scaring us all.  Three stitches above her eye, but I think and hope it will fade away soon.  Just another story to tell about a visit to Nana and Papa's.
We did some farming and planting some seeds.  She even took a little farming project home with her.  Some beans, cucumbers and flowers.  She was excited about Daddy helping her plant them at her house.  It's been about 10 days so she should have most of them germinating by now.  I haven't talked with her to see if they have.  I will have to give her a call.

Bella had her six months birthday in April.  She is so precious and beautiful and is the happiest baby.  I hope I get to see her this month.  I feel like I did when Charlotte was that age, that her first year is going so fast and it is slipping away from me.  I think a need a whole week of her, but will settle for a good weekend visit.

We had a great visit with our very good friends from Missouri, Skeet and Judy Davis.  I took Judy to the cattle sale.  It was so fun seeing it through someone else's eyes.  We walked every row and she had to look at everything.  We even bought jars that we forgot to go back and get.  I had to go the next Monday to see if I could find the lady and pick them up.  She was there and we recovered our jars, yeah!  Skeet and Harland talked cows and horses and solved all the world's problems over the week.  I can't believe all the stuff Judy was able to get in their van to haul back to MO.  Besides the usual of their luggage and personal effects, I can't even remember everything, but here's an example....Two rabbits in a cage, a dog, post hole digger, apples, jars, a large ammo box, a cooler, a 6 hole chicken nest and oh so much more!!!!  Too funny!
We always have a lot of fun with them.

Well, I have several more things to catch you up on, but will save them for another post.


Audrey Signorelli said...

I have missed your posts and pictures from the farm! Hope we don't have to wait another 2 months for the next post ;) Love the picture of you guys with Skeet and Judy! Love, Audrey

amber said...

Mom, your post just made my day!

Wayne and JoCasta Britt said...


Henni Penni is back!! We missed her.

Bella and Charlotte are looking forward to Mother's Day with Nana; Charlotte's already talking about it and Bella smiles when I ask her if she's excited about coming. She's been really hard to get to take naps or sleep in her bed lately; the last couple of nights I've swaddled and rocked her and she's been out like a light; I think she just wants to hold on to being an "infant" a little longer (and I'm not arguing; it's precious snuggle time).

Charlotte's eye looks much better and I'd be surprised if it scars much, if at all. Once I got the glue off there was a piece of a stitch left behind. We were supposed to take her to the doctor to get it out, but I actually got it out while she was sleeping the other night with no problem. Sunday, Charlotte was swinging and just decided to let go; she fell pretty hard and hit the back of her head. We had to keep her awake and monitor her; it rattled her, but she seemed better after a couple of hours. It's tough being 2-years-old! But she's a tough girl and handling it so far.

See you Sunday.

amber said...

That girl needs a helmet!