What a pretty morning! We had a hard rain yesterday evening which made it a little muggy today. But overall it was a nice day here at the farm. We are still living in the construction zone. But everything is moving along a bit faster even with the rain. Franklin and Butch have just about finished rocking under the porch. We had to cover everything up with tarps before the rain yesterday. The steps going out the front are finished now. Bill is working on the shop at the barn. The electrical went in today. I think the overhead lights should go up tomorrow. Then the door. After the wall is finished, Bill will work on the cover for the walkway. Just a little longer is what I keep telling myself.
I gotta get down in the pantry and fix the rest of my dollies to slide the jars under the cabinets. I have everything I need to get it done. It's been on my to do list for a while now and I need to get it done before I get busy with everything else. I still have my brunswick stew sitting on the counter. So it will be in my way if I don't get the dollies done soon. I got the railing painted so Harland or Bill can finish the additional cabinets down there. Hopefully now it will be easier to get to everything.
I'm still trying to get weeding done in the flower beds. Soon as I get most of it done, its time to start all over again. I'm not sure my climatis vine is going to make it here at the end of the walkway. It still has some green on it, but didn't come out of the winter like it should have. I think I need to move it. The trees above have grown and leaved out a lot more. I don't think it gets the sunshine there that it once did. A move might do it some good. All of the flower beds at that end of the house will have to change anyway once the new walkway is finished.
Today I let my little silkie rooster (Jack) out of his pen. The pen is really small and I think it was stressing him out. He's been separated from Jill while she was sitting. She had nine chicks a couple of weeks ago. So he's been up for about a month. Anyway, I felt sorry for him and let him out for the day. Now he is missing. I think that darn red tail hawk got him while I was at the house working in the flower beds. Last time I saw him he was in the shed and under the trailer. He had clucked around under there all morning. So not sure what become of him unless it was the hawk. :(
I took one frame of honey from my bee hive. I don't have an extractor so it's been a very slow process letting the honey drip from the frame. We had biscuits with honey this weekend. It was so good. I guess considering what we have eaten, I probably got close to a quart out of that frame. I'm just going to give the rest of it back to the bees. Just had to try some since I won't get a honey crop this first year. Maybe next year!
Most of my kids were with me for Mother's Day this year. Audrey and Jon couldn't get away. We had a great visit and my mom came up so she could see the great grandbabies. Of course Harland and Charlie couldn't wait to get to the barn after lunch. I think it was just an excuse to go get some snacks, ummm I mean dessert from the fridge. I think it was a nutty buddy.
The girls will be here with us for a few days next week. JoCasta and Wayne are going to a wedding and taking a few days to go to the beach. But, I think we will have more fun!
Bella was out and enjoying the walk in her stroller. She is always a happy girl.
Mom's mothers day gift. I got one too, but her's was the prettiest!
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