After the Rain
As I was looking out the kitchen window late this afternoon the sun was breaking through the clouds. The pasture behind the house was streaked with the rays of the sun. You could see the remaining moisture in the air as the sun reflected off the rising steam. I walked outside with my camera. The air was so fresh.

Ever wonder where that smell comes from? That fresh after the rain smell. Or around a waterfall or moving water. It comes from negative ions. Before a storm there is a build up of positive ions (not good for you, also called free radicals). Negative ions are good for you! They improve your mood and uplift your spirit. Not only mentally, but they affect you physically as well. Just like positive ions can affect you before a storm by making your bones ache if you have arthritis. Positive ions can also contribute to stuffy noses and many more physical ailments. They can even increase irritability, tension and depression. I learned a lot while I was reading about the effects of positive and negative ions on honey bees.

So as I was walking around with my camera I got a big charge from the negative ions. It felt really good and smelled good too. I thought I would just share some of my pictures.
Mom, I hate to sound nerdy, but free radicals are not positive ions. They actually have free electrons that react easily with other compounds, and usually are negatively charged. But I believe you are right that free radicals (and in that same category, reactive oxygen species) are higher in the atmosphere before rain and then kind of dampened out afterwards.
My environmental science degree wasn't completely useless :)
Great post TerriJo love it .... Sounds great where u live...Love to u all...Rusty an Family
Ps u really do great photos...R
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