2. Should I finish cleaning up the family room and pantry? Our guests will be using this area too.
3. Should I paint hive boxes.
4. Should I put together hive frames and wax foundation?
5. Should I complete spring inspection and split the beehives. (Can't really do that until I put together the frames and wax, also paint some hive boxes.) But 3, 4 and 5 have to be done very soon because the tulip poplar nectar flow is going to be here in just a matter of days. By the way, we have had 6 swarms because I haven't yet inspected all the hives. Probably will have more swarms if I don't get it done soon.
6. I need desperately to vacuum and mop the floors.
7. I have a large number of things to put in the storage building, but put it off because it is a mess again. I was cleaning it out again and had to abandon that task due to rain, snow and cold weather.
8. I really need to spray weeds in the bee yard or they are going to take over.
9. Our printer is on the fritz. I bought a new one, but need to get it setup. This is very important too!
10. I really need to finish cleaning out the alley of the barn and the bee room before our guest come on Tuesday. They will need/want to see it.
11. I need to finish laundry, so we have something to wear!
12. Oh...I almost forgot...I have to go to town tomorrow morning and buy paint. Someone is coming to paint the back porch and the pergola tomorrow!!!!!
I could continue to add to this list. I know I won't get it all done, but I also know it will all be okay. Nothing will go away and will continue to wait on me! Wish me luck!