Bee swarm settling on garden corner post |
I walked to the barn this morning to take few pictures of the new calf. I hung around for few minutes and watched Harland working the cows to worm them. As I was starting to walk back to the house, I heard the usual hummmm coming from the direction of the hives, but much louder than normal. I arrived just in time to see one of my hives had swarmed. They landed across the driveway and behind the bee yard on the corner post of the garden fence. Our friends Melvin and Shirley came to help me get them rounded up and into a hive box or as Melvin calls it, a gum. Around here they call a deep hive box a gum. (We can have a few words about why they call it a gum another day) After a few stings and a little smoke to encourage them to move to the inside of the post, we got them all in the box. Thanks Melvin and Shirley!
The pink hive swarmed |
Harland working cows |
Wayne arrived late this afternoon with Charlotte and Bella. They visited ducks, chickens and the new calf with Papa and he told them about the new baby rabbits. Charlotte had seen the chicks on one of her earlier visits and she has held several chicks before. But Bella has not had as many opportunities. She was so excited to touch them and I helped her hold one. Then she 'helped' me fill the feeders for the chicks and Buck our rabbit. Charlotte got to fill the other chick feeder and also feed Alice. (It's okay, no animals were injured or killed in the production of these images) :)
They both love to play hide n seek. They call it hide'n. Charlotte counted to 20 first and Bella and Wayne hid. Charlotte found them right away. Then it was Charlotte's turn to hide. Bella surprised us as we learned she can count all the way to 20. She did a wonderful job (she is just two).
Wayne left shortly after that to have taxes prepared and Bella was not happy to be left behind. After several minutes of unhappiness 'Bella style' and a little bribery 'Nana style' (with gummy bears), she decided she would go to the new hay shed with Charlotte and Nana to watch Papa work.
The evening ended with spaghetti for supper. Bella's favorite at our house. I think we have had it every time she's come. Then they gave kisses and said their goodbyes.
I headed to the barn to put up the ducks and chickens. Harland and I still had to strap down the new hive and move it to the bee yard. Happy to say we accomplished this with no more stings today. Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer than today. I am expecting more swarms since I have not worked any of my hives yet. Hopefully after Saturday I will be able to dive into the bee yard full time to get caught up. But, like I said, I doubt if the bees wait on me!
I just want to add that I still have honey for sale. (If you are local) Leave me a note in the comments if you are interested in purchasing some.
Rush gets an apple! |
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