
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hatching Golf Balls

Domestic Chicken, Barred Rock Cohin Bantam Rooster, Iowa, USA
One of my black sexlink hens has gone broody.  She's not detoured by the fact there aren't any fertile eggs, there are no eggs in the nest.  She is insisting to sit on golf balls in the nest.  We decided to help her out.  So Harland called our friend Gary to see if he had any fertile eggs.

As it happens he generously donated 13 eggs.  They will be a Rhode Island Red and Black Copper Maran cross.  I moved her to the little hutch tonight.  If she will stay on the new nest I will move the eggs under her tomorrow.  She won't be disturbed this way.  Last year I had                                                                                     three hens that went broody at the same time.  They kept getting confused about which nest was their own and we didn't get a hatch at all.  Can't wait to see if we get a good hatch this time and how these chicks turn out.  I also want to cross my Barred Cochen Bantam rooster (like picture on right) with my Barred Bantam hen (like hen in picture on the left). His name is Cooper, her's is Clara.  I hope they like each other!                                                                    Not sure what kind of chicks I will turn up with, but it will be fun and     interesting finding out.

I asked Harland yesterday if he would fix us another pot of chili before the weather warms up.  So he got the stuff together and that's what we had for supper tonight.  I was delicious.  Harland is still counting the days to fire up the smoker (3 or 4 days left).  I am imagining a boston butt and some bbq.  Once he gets it fired up, I expect him to stay busy keeping the smoker fired up for several days since everyone has put in an order!  

A long time ago I made a Chicken Divan recipe.  It was when JoCasta was a baby, so it's been a while.  Harland has mentioned it several times recently.  I really don't remember where I got the recipe.  But tomorrow I am going to dig through my recipes and see if I can find it.  If not, maybe I can find one like it on the internet.  

I didn't finish my bedroom project as I expected.  I just have to vacuum behind the television, which means I have to pull everything out.  I also need to wash the blinds.  I plan to finish up tomorrow.  I also have been planning to start some seeds from scratch for early planting in the garden and the herb garden.  I saw an idea, can't remember where now, to use toilet tissue rolls as peat pots.  Then you just plant the whole thing once it's ready to go in the garden.  I thought it was a great way to recycle what otherwise would go into the trash.  

Did I already mention that I have already been stung twice by wasps in February?  Both times while I was asleep on the sofa.  I have already had to get new prescriptions filled for my Epi Pens.  My gosh these things are so expensive and that is with insurance!  I hope I have met my quota for stings already for 2012.  I should have bought some flying insect spray too.  

Looks like we might get some more rain.  Just when I think the boot sucking mud is starting to dry a little, we get another round of rain.  My rubber boots have sprung a leak!  Maybe I can find some on markdown this spring.  My chickens really like the ones I have now.  They have muli-colored dots on them.  They like to peck on the dots!  Maybe I can find some with bugs on them!

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