
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Goin' to the Farm

On the Farm...
You know when you were a kid in school and you got to go on field trips to farms or orchards, anywhere in the great outdoors.  You were probably so excited, not just about not being in class, but that you are going to get to see some stuff you don't get to see everyday.  Not only do kids get excited when they come to the farm, but our furry little four legged family members do too.

This week our "granddog" Jenny Gump is staying at the farm.  Who is Jenny.. she is an adorable little Welch Corgi.  For a long time there's been much debate about whether Jenny is Amber or Chris' pooch.  The truth is....Amber and Chris belong to Jenny.  It has been shared that long before the car turns off the highway, Jenny knows she is nearing the farm.  After taking Amber and Chris to the airport a few weeks ago, I had the chance to experience her doggie talent and it's true. It has been reported that the other granddogs share this talent. I know our dog Daisy knows when she is almost home.

I've not had many opportunities to be around Jenny in her home habitat for any length of time.  But, while I was visiting Amber recently, I observed that Jenny is generally very quiet, at least until someone comes home to greet her.  She gets to go out only a couple of times a day and never complains about it.  But, when she is here on the farm she stays in extreme overdrive.  She barks when you go out the door and barks when you come in the door.  She barks when I come from the kitchen to the den or from the bedroom.  I think she just may have the loudest bark I have ever heard.  She is ready to go outside every time the door swings.  She loves getting to go outside without the leash.  She hears everything (must be her big ears) and is ready to get into everything.

Jenny is on a special diet and Amber is very strict about keeping her on it. Jenny occasionally has problems with pancreatitis.  But Jenny is not concerned about her diet.  She is always on the lookout for Daisy and Gus' dishes.  She scours the area where we burn the trash for any left over treasures.  If all else fails she goes shopping in the pasture.  I know, that doesn't paint a good picture.  But, that is why she doesn't get to stay outside by herself as long as she would like.

Needless to say Jenny enjoys her field trips to the farm.  I don't know if she is enjoying it more or if we enjoy her company more. But as luck would have it for us all, she will be here all week.

It's always a lot quieter when she leaves and there's always a calm that comes over the house.  We really do miss her when she is gone and look forward to her next visit.  I bet she knows when she turns off the highway to go home too!

From the Pantry...
A lot of folks are watching and talking about the new extreme coupon TV shows.  I wanted to enjoy all the reported savings, but I am not doing very well at collecting coupons.  I have forgotten to go get the newspaper for the last two Sundays.  Around here if you don't get your paper early, well you just don't get one.  Then there are the internet sites like Coupon Susy and Coupon Mom.  I was all excited the first time I heard I could print the coupons from these sites and have done so a couple of times.  I can handle the regular list of coupons that you first pull up and check the ones you want.  But as far as digging deeper to get the great coupon deals directly from the manufacturer.... I am not getting there.  When I click on one site it takes me to another coupon site, then another.  It's just a vicious circle.  I guess I just need to remember to get my paper on Sunday.  I think if I could watch someone else maybe I could figure it out.

 Tonight for supper we had beef tips, rice, green beans, and something we call succotash here in the south (stewed tomatoes, corn and okra and sometimes limas).  I have a great quick prep recipe for beef tips that I throw together and put in the oven.  It's certainly not an original idea, but I will share (see recipes in the brown section below).

Look forward to your comments and suggestions


Audrey Signorelli said...

Hope Jenny Grump has a fun week on the farm. Cousin Bocephus is very jealous.

Henni Penni said...

She is having fun taking a nap right now. However, if I move or get up
she will bark at me.

amber said...

I love your tribute to Jenny Gump! Her puppy pictures are adorable. Can't believe she used to be that little gremlin dog. Sounds like she's having the time of her life on the farm.

I had some of your BBQ for lunch and it was delish as always.


Henni Penni said...

They are always so cute when they are puppies. They're still cute, but we forget about the puppy cute once they are all grown up.

Audrey Signorelli said...

Mom, please post a recipe for something using cube steak! I've run out of meat in my freezer except for a few packs of steak and several packs of cube steak, and your very undomesticated daughter has no idea what to do with it! :)

Henni Penni said...

Hi Honey.. Lucky you we had country fried steak for supper last night. Recipe and instructions are on todays post. Give it a try and let me know how it goes. Love you, MOM

My Little Space said...

Henni, I'm a dog lover and always looking forward to a dog like this one. Jenny looks so so cute. I have a beager. She's about 6 years old. Jenny looks just like a beager except the ear standing. hehe.... Please give me a hug.