
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Not An Electronic Geek

It started out a pretty quiet day!  But, just when I thought we had all our electronic challenges behind us, Harland reminded me that we never finished setting up our television downstairs.  We have been discussing changing some of our TV programming and using Netflix.  In order to do that we had to setup the internet on the television.  Eakkkkkkk!  Problem....I gave our printer and the new router the same name.  So when we searched for the new router we would see both of them.  So I had to figure out which one was the router.  After considerable time we finally got a connection with the internet.

You would think then it would be a cinch.  However then I was trying to figure out how to get Netflix setup on the TV.  I still haven't determined if I should be able to access through the TV or if I have to contact them via the computer or otherwise.  Isn't it funny how once you finally get it done, you look back and say wasn't that simple, why did it take so long!

Sausage and Pepper Calzones RecipeI have been trying to think of something different and good to have for dinner one night this week.  I am a pasta fan and would probably lean toward looking at Italian.  I wanted to work with some great Italian sausages we have in the freezer.  They were gifted by Fred Nelson and John Harrington of Fuzzy's in Madison, NC.  I thought an Italian pepper calzone looked interesting.  I want to put together a pasta, sausage and broccoli dish, but haven't found just the right one yet.  I also want to know how to make roasted potatoes.  You know the good ones that are golden brown and just a little crispy.  I have made some and they were okay.  But, I can do better I think!

Here are the pictures of the recipes I want to try.  I will let you know how they turn out.

I love using cast iron cookware to cook.  I have several pieces and of course have my favorites.  I use several different sizes to make corn bread depending upon how many I need to serve.  I also use my round griddle for breakfast just about every morning.  Harland's mom gave me a couple of these when we got married.  I know of at least one we bought that I later discarded because it would never season and it had a hot spot in it.  Everything burned in the same place.  In recent years I have bought Lodge Logic brand and I love them.  I have them hanging from the beam that runs the width of our kitchen and living area.  They have been collecting dust.

I have been on a mission of late to start using all of my pieces.  I have had to be inventive in there use.  I have a huge frying pan.  No...I mean HUGE.  I recently used it to fry some chicken.  I had to make several pieces and I used the center burner (the griddle burner) to heat the pan.  It did great.  I also used my large dutch oven to fry some chicken.  It worked great too.  Kept all the grease from splattering all over the stove.  I have a very small dutch oven/bean pot.  I used it to make Harland a peach cobbler and a cherry cobbler.  It is just the right size.  It made about 4 servings.  Now I have a square slatted griddle, like you might use to cook a steak on the stove.  I'm not sure how I will use that since we really prefer our steaks on the grill outside.  But maybe a panini!  If you    have any suggestions, please share!  I couple of years ago I flipped over the enamel coated cast iron.  Harland bought me two beautiful red pieces, a frying pan and a stock pot.  I love them.  But they do cook alot differently than the the original cast iron.
Lodge L Series Enamel Dutch Oven Lodge Enamel Coated...
    Who knows what I will come up with for these two pieces. But I'm going to try to have fun doing it.

Isn't this one cute.  Maybe someday!

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